Jus Jack – Feel The Love (Various Mixes)

Jus Jack – Feel The Love (Various Mixes)66545 170168646333882 113584985325582 617908 5549004 N

The highly anticipated Jus Jack track ‘Feel The Love’ has finally come out. My prayers have been answered. At first, I thought the original mix was great when I listened to a preview of it. Then I heard Swanky Tunes remix and thought that the hard hitting synths were awesome. However, Sebjak’s remix takes the cake. WOW! He absolutely destroys it. This is a must listen folks. Sebjak’s remix should be the background song to a highlight reel video of Blake Griffin’s dunks. That is how good this is!


Original Mix [QUALITY!]…

Swanky Tunes [HUGE!]…

Purchase:Jus Jack – Feel The Love (Various Mixes)Badge Itunes Sm
