Who is Al Walser? Grammys fumble Best Dance Recording categoryAlwalser

Who is Al Walser? Grammys fumble Best Dance Recording category

Reading through the nominees for the 55th Grammy Awards seemed pretty standard. Kelly Clarkson? Check. Fun.? Check. Adele? You better believe it. Venturing to the Best Dance Recording category, I followed a similar checklist with Avicii, Skrillex, and Swedish House Mafia. It wasn’t until I reached Al Walser that my confusion bordered on stupefaction and became pervasive enough to challenge my own sense of reality.

Who is Al Walser? Find out after the break.

Known to destroy the dance floor with his LIVE Astronaut over the top DJ sets that catch the party go-ers Ears and Eyes. ELECTRO/HOUSE/DANCE is what he defines himself, Sleepless nights, Hard Work, & DEDICATION shows through his work & LIVE performances. He can either be hard or HARDER. He is a DJ/Artist who takes the dance floor by the balls and grips it there until the crowd begs for submission. Al Walser expresses this being through music, energy, passion, and style. He acts to make people react. Born to Perform. – Facebook Page Biography

Al Walser has 1140 Facebook fans and 539 Twitter followers. Al Walser is also the CEO of Cut The Bull Entertainment, a boutique entertainment company, with not only a record label division but a motion picture, TV, music management, and web design division. Al Walser has come a long way from humble beginnings in Liechtenstein, a small European country with a population of 35,000. The entertainment mogul can now add a Grammy nod to his list of accomplishments. Are you ready for the track that got him nominated? If you think you are, you aren’t.

There is one more piece of information you should know. As stated redundantly across all Al Walser channels, Al Walser is a full fledged Grammy voting and nominating member. More importantly, Al Walser is the best-selling author of “Make It Big,” The Secret Path to Break In Today’s Music Industry. By golly, we may have just discovered his secret. I can’t blame Al Walser for this obvious blunder, after all, he is leading by example.

Since the presentation of the first award for Best Dance Recording in 1998, EDM artists have worked hard garnering acceptance from the Academy. Daft Punk, The Chemical Brothers, and most recently, Skrillex, have all scored victories between commercial superstars such as Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, and Janet Jackson. Like last year, EDM artists filled the nominations and this year we expected it to be no different. With David Guetta’s mainstream success, artists like Swedish House Mafia, Avicii, and Skrillex have finally been getting attention and giving EDM a rightful place at the Grammys. However, it reflects poorly on the Academy for allowing this fraudulent activity to take place. Not only that, but it patronizes the accomplishments of these artists who have worked hard for that recognition.

If Ashton Kutcher isn’t involved, this has to be one of the biggest gaffes in the history of the Best Dance Recording category. I don’t know what I find more offensive, the Grammy’s blatant disregard for a dance music category that finally notices EDM artists or Al Walser’s portrayal of a Dancing Astronaut. 

Ok, fine. Here is one more Al Walser gem.


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