Diddy promises ‘best of EDM’ with new multi-genre music network ‘Revolt’

Hip-hop veteran, entrepreneurial tycoon, and all around music mogul Sean Combs — better known as Diddy — is pushing boundaries with his latest project, Revolt, a music network encompassing all genres. Counting down the launch live from its site, Diddy has Revolt launching in 16 days and claims its aim as “dedicated to the creators of this generation.”

In brief, up close and personal, video teaser from the man himself, Combs promises “the best in EDM,” along with rock, hip-hop, possible country, but most of all the future of music. Joining the electronic initiative and pushing his latest project as an advancement much like his previous ventures, the Revolt motto reads as follows:

Revolt will represent the architects who define culture and influence society. We are out to build an empowering platform for artists and our audience.

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