UPDATED: Carnage detained for not obeying club’s curfew in Florida1025600 10101754994928644 1225603608 O Zps47b2d62f

UPDATED: Carnage detained for not obeying club’s curfew in Florida

Trouble strikes yet again for Committee Events, the local Florida promoter associated with the Dada Life riot. Extending his performance by about 45-minutes at Club Cinema in Pompano Beach, Florida on Saturday night, police arrested Carnage after he refused to get off the decks despite being asked numerous times to cut the music. Police were eventually called in to shut down the venue and, according to Committee Events Twitter, arrested the DJ for his failure to comply with local ordinances.

Carnage Arrested 2

According to Carnage via Twitter he was not arrested just held “for a bit last night on some bullshit” but then immediately followed up with “i didn’t get arrested… lol @ the internet.”

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