Here’s how A-Trak rocked one of the hottest parties of New York Fashion WeekAbsolut Absolutvodka Atrak Header 1

Here’s how A-Trak rocked one of the hottest parties of New York Fashion Week

As far as All-Star Weekend goes, and the kick-off of Fashion Week, New York City is the current epicenter of dope sh*t.

Kanye West’s collaboration with Cashmere Cat revealed at his Adidas spectacle aside, the hottest party took place Wednesday night at the start of it all. The fashion line? VFiles. The man responsible? A-Trak.

The VFiles fashion show sparked tons of interest early in the day, but its post-show party at Space was the real buzz. A-Trak was the DJ in command and, thanks to, the his full set list used to do so has been collected, complied, and delivered for the listening pleasure of the mortals who couldn’t be present.


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