This surround sound bed provides a full-body, psychedelic musical experienceSonic Bed

This surround sound bed provides a full-body, psychedelic musical experience

Who says music should only be enjoyed through your ears?

Sound artist Kaffe Matthews has been experimenting with different electro-acoustic material for over two decades in an attempt to explore new ideas of musical perception. One of her more interesting conceptions is the Sonic Bed. Part of the Music For Bodies collaborative research project, it’s a large, wooden structure with high fidelity speakers embedded into the framework. Almost like an isolation tank set to a backdrop of psychedelic soundscapes, it provides a meditative space where two listeners can interact with sound as a full-body experience.

The video above details the construction of the Sonic Bed in Scotland: the fifth in the series of such installations throughout the world.

“These [beds], with speakers immersed in their upholstery, create situations that transform the listening experience for the sitter into a stimulating and sensual massage, turning ‘weird’ or ‘boring’ music into something meaningful. All kinds of people would queue for hours, have very different experiences and talk of the musical as well as physical and psychological sensations they have had afterwards.” -Kaffe Matthews, 2000


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